The Scheele Award

In honor of the world-renowned Swedish chemist and pharmacist Carl Wilhelm Scheele, the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society has since 1961 bestowed the Scheele Award on prominent scientists in the field of drug research or related disciplines. By tradition the award ceremony is accompanied by a symposium carrying the signature of the prize-winner.

Miniatyrmålning känd som ett porträtt av Carl Wilhelm Scheele

Carl William Scheele

Carl Wilhelm Scheele, one of the world’s foremost chemists, was born in 1742 in Stralsund, Germany, at the time a part of Sweden. At the age of 15, he moved from Stralsund to Gothenburg to become a pharmacist. He stayed in Sweden and became an internationally recognized scientist during his relatively short life. He died in 1786 at the age of 44.

Scheele discovered eight unknown elements, which is more than any other scientist has ever achieved!

Läs mer om CW Scheele

The Scheele Symposium

By tradition the award ceremony is accompanied by a symposium carrying the signature of the prize-winner.

Since 1961, in honour of Carl Wilhelm Scheele, famous Swedish chemist and pharmacist, the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society has bestowed the Scheele Award on prominent scientists in drug research or related disciplines. By tradition, a symposium focused on the prize winner’s area of expertise follows the award ceremony.




Lisa Bandholtz
Lisa är vetenskaplig sekreterare på Apotekarsocieteten och disputerad inom immunologi vid Karolinska institutet. Hon har tidigare jobbat som vetenskaplig rådgivare och forskare på mindre biotechföretag samt inom större läkemedelsföretag som både svensk och nordisk medicinskt ansvarig inom flera terapiområden.
Lisa Bandholtz
Vetenskaplig sekreterare

Former Laureates


Professor Pieter Cullis, porträtt
Professor Pieter Cullis, University of British Colombia


Porträtt, Peter G. Schultz
Professor Peter G. Schultz, The Scripps Research Institute


Professor Craig Crews
Professor Craig Crews, Yale University



Professor Emmanuelle Charpentier
Professor Emmanuelle Charpentier, Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens, Berlin

Read about Professor Charpentier and her research here.

All former laureates