Laddar Evenemang

SUP Spring Meeting

We are delighted to invite you to the SUP Spring Meeting on April 3 and we are celebrating 10 years!

This will be an exciting opportunity to engage in insightful discussions, exchange ideas, and network with colleagues in the field.

The theme for this spring’s meeting is Study Design, and we have a variety of speakers who will share their expertise. The current agenda is below, with more speakers to be announced soon. Stay updated at


  • Model-based adaptive optimal design under model uncertainty in population pharmacodynamic studies. Application in dose finding trials.
    • Theodoros Papathanasiou, Novo Nordisk
  • A Sequential Predictive Power Design for a COVID Vaccine Trial
    • Ingrid Lönnstedt, Cytel
  • Power estimation for covariate identification: with and without PopPK model building
    • Ya-Han Hsu, Uppsala University
  • Efficient model-based design support of pediatric study programs – Workflow & Case-study
    • Martin Bergstrand, Pharmetheus

The Organizing Committee:

Adam Darwich – KTH

Angelica Quartino – AstraZeneca

Johan Wallin – BioInvent

Lars Lindbom – qPharmetra

Maria Kjellsson – Apotekarsocieteten

Mats Karlsson – Uppsala Universitet

Ida Neldemo – Pharmetheus

Time & Place

Meeting 13:00–17:00,
Mingle with light food 17:00–19:00

Wallingatan 26A, Apotekarsocieteten


You can sign up for the event at the SUP website.


To the registration