Laddar Evenemang

Young Scientist Day

You are welcome to apply to this year’s Young Scientist Day in drug formulation and nanomedicine!

This year’s winner of the Scheele Award, Pieter Cullis will present his research and reflection from different parts of his carrier during Young Scientist Day, hosted by the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society on November 12, 2025, as a satellite event to the Scheele Symposium. This day will focus on research related to drug delivery and nanomedicine.

Take this unique opportunity to discuss your research in-depth with this year’s Scheele Award winner, Pieter Cullis, who generously shares his knowledge and experience while interacting with other doctoral students as well as senior scientists, within both academia and industry.


12.30    Coffee and registration

13.00    Welcome to Swedish Pharmaceutical Society, Swedish Pharmaceutical Society

13.10    Pieter Cullis will share his own experiences and reflections from
his scientific career

13.40    Short oral communication of selected abstracts

14.00    Panel debate, questions and reflections

14.30    Poster and mingle with refreshments

16.00    Closure

Moderator: Alexandra Teleki, Associate Professor in Drug Development at Uppsala University

How do you apply

Send us an abstract on your ongoing research at maximum 200 words and title no later than June 1, 2025, and you can be selected to participate in the 2025 Young Scientist Day. PhD students and post docs as well as members of Swedish Pharmaceutical Society will be prioritized.


Register here


Organizing committee

Susanna Abrahmsén Alami – AstraZeneca, Sweden Drug Delivery Industry Group
Alexandra Teleki – SciLifeLab, Uppsala University, SweDeliver
Rebecca Fransson – AstraZeneca, Section of drug formulation, Swedish Pharmaceutical Society
Sofia Mattsson – Umeå University, Section of drug formulation, Swedish Pharmaceutical Society
Caroline Fronczak Alvebratt – SweDeliver
Lisa Bandholtz – Swedish Pharmaceutical Society.

Time & place

November 12, 2025
Apotekarsocieteten, Wallingatan 26A, Stockholm