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17th Symposium on Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism

The overall aim of the symposium series is to highlight hot topics within the field of Pharmacokinetics, Drug Metabolism, Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics, ADME, and Clinical Pharmacology. The 17th symposium will focus on five key areas within this field that have seen advancement within the last few years.
Session 1: Biotransformation and impact of drug metabolites
Session 2: Drug transporter considerations across drug modalities
Session 3: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic considerations in rare disease and special populations
Session 4: Bridging strategies for drug-device products
Session 5: Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics of drug combination therapies
Additionally, there will be a focus on students, a poster session and the traditional Candlelight Lecture*. Therefore, the scope is broad, but still framed within the aforementioned DMPK field.
Welcome to register to the Symposium, previously known as the Rosenön meeting!
Pre Satellite Workshop
(separate registration to host)
On November 11 @ 13:00 to November 12 @ 11:20 AstraZeneca welcome students and scientists in their early career for a Satellite Workshop: AstraZeneca Young career symposium on Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics in Drug Discovery & Development, please see more information below.
Call for posters
Contributions from the whole field of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism, ADME, Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics, Modelling&Simulation, Pharmacometrics, and Clinical Pharmacology are invited. Upon request, deadline extended for posters to 15th October. Poster abstract submissions should be sent to jenny.hagberg@lakemedelsakademin.se
Abstract instructions
Poster instructions
Schedule and venue
The meeting will start at lunch on the 12th of November, with dinner and a social gathering in the evening and end on the 13th of November. The venue will be at AstraZeneca PGN Conference Center, Pepparedsleden 5, Mölndal.
Partnership possibilities
Gold sponsor
Fee: SEK 25.000 excl VAT
• Exhibition stand with space for one roll-up
• 1 free registration
• Special thanks in the opening speech
• Acknowledgement and website link with logo on symposium website
• Acknowledgement in final program
Silver sponsor
Fee: SEK 15.000 excl VAT
• Special thanks in the opening speech
• Acknowledgement and website link with logo on symposium website
• Acknowledgement in final program
For questions and registration please send an email to jeanette.jansson@lakemedelsakademin.se
Participation fee
Registration fee: 4.000 SEK
From October 1 an additional SEK 1000 will be added to the fee.
Included in the registration fee: lunch, coffee and dinner on November 12 and coffee and lunch on November 13.
All prices are excl. VAT
Quality Hotel The Weaver
Address: Göteborgsvägen 91, 431 37 Mölndal.
Phone: +46 31 304 80 58
SEK 1 597 per person and night for a standard single room, breakfast buffet and VAT are included.
For reservation contact q.weaver@strawberry.se and use booking number 2144GR008342. Make your reservation latest on October 13. All delegates will make their own hotel reservation.
Organizing Committee
Johanna Haglund, MetaSafe
Suzanne Iverson Hemberg, Toxicology Knowledge Team Sweden
Rasmus Jansson Löfmark, AstraZeneca
For further questions please contact info@lakemedelsakademin.se.
Satellite Workshop: AstraZeneca Young career symposium on Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics in Drug Discovery & Development
To participate in the Satellite Workshop register by sending an email to angelica.quartino1@astrazeneca.com
We welcome students and scientists in their early career for a day gain valuable insight of how PK, PKPD and modeling and simulation is applied in Drug discovery, Clinical development and Pharmaceutical Development to inform and impact drug development decisions. The workshop is also a great opportunity to learn more about these departments and to explore career possibilities. You will have a chance to meet and interact with scientists and discuss career paths and establish a professional network. Agenda and time schedule
* The Candlelight Lecture
The Candlelight Lecture is a tradition of the PK-Metabolism Section of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society. The original Candlelight Lecture wasn’t named that at all, instead it was the Keynote Lecture of that symposium in the late 1990s (then called the Rosenön Meeting due to the recuring location of the meeting on an island in the Swedish archipelago). There was a treacherous snowstorm and, at about the time that the keynote lecture was supposed to start, the power on the island went out. To continue with the lecture, the conference moved to the cafeteria where candles were lit and flashlights were in hand and the lecture was delivered completely analogue, by Prof. Philippe Beaune. Ever since, there has been a so-called Candlelight Lecture where an important contributor to the field of PK and Drug Metabolism has been invited to present their career highlights supported by candlelight, pens and a whiteboard.