Modeling Tools for Inhaled Product Development

AstraZeneca Mölndal Pepparedsleden 5, PGN Conference Center, Mölndal, Sverige

Welcome to a workshop about pharmaceutical inhalation hosted in Gothenburg. This workshop, which is co-arranged between Sweden Inhalation Network, SwedIN, and the Section for drug formulation at Apotekarsocieteten (the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society), deals with tools to model and predict the outcomes in various areas of inhaled medicines including spray drying, processing, device and biopharmaceutical modeling. […]

Pharmaceutical innovations at the crossroads

Kuopio, Finland , Finland

12th pan-European Science Conference on QbD & PAT - Registration is now open! The 12th EuPAT conference brings together scientists and engineers from across academia, industry, and regulatory bodies to discuss the latest developments in the field of pharmaceutical process and product development. The 12th EuPAT Conference will focus on smart therapies, innovative delivery systems, and […]

European Drug Utilization Conference 2025

Uppsala University Main Building, Uppsala

EuroDURG, the European Branch of the ISPE Special Interest Group for Drug Utilization Research, has a long tradition of arranging scientific meetings focusing on quality use of medicines. 1–4 July 2025 we welcome you to Uppsala (SE) at the European Drug Utilization Conference 2025, offering an attractive, interactive educational and scientific programme reaching out to […]

International Summer school BIOMAT 2025

Paris, France , Frankrike

Dear Colleagues, we are happy to invite you to the International Summer school Biomat 2025. The Affiliée à la European Society of Biomaterials (ESB) organizes the International Conference “Entering a New Era in Regenerative Medicine: Challenges and Strategies of Tissue Engineering“, in Cergy and Paris, France, from the 7th to the 11th of July 2025. The summer school agenda has […]

15th Central European Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium


Dear Colleagues, we are happy to invite you to the 15th Central European Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium (15th CESPT). The Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society and the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, […]