The 2nd Nordic Conference on Computational Chemistry

AstraZeneca Mölndal Pepparedsleden 5, PGN Conference Center, Mölndal, Sverige

Join us in exploring cutting-edge computational chemistry, including topics such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Structure- and Ligand-based drug design, and the Design of Nucleotides, Peptides, and Proteins. This […]

Antibiotikaresistens och läkemedel i humanitär sjukvård

Apotekarsocieteten Wallingatan 26A, Stockholm, Sverige
Hybrid Hybrid Evenemang

Stockholmskretsen bjuder in till en hybridföreläsning med sjuksköterska Anna-Lena Eriksson som precis är hemkommen från uppdrag via Läkare utan gränser i Afghanistan. Anna-Lena har arbetat som sjuksköterska på uppdrag i […]

Skaffa Biljetter Gratis – 500kr

SUP Spring Meeting

Apotekarsocieteten Wallingatan 26A, Stockholm, Sverige

We are delighted to invite you to the SUP Spring Meeting on April 3 and we are celebrating 10 years! This will be an exciting opportunity to engage in insightful […]

Kvalitetsregister för forskning

  Program Välkommen till 2025 års konferens! Dagen anordnas årligen i samarbete mellan Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, Vetenskapsrådet och Apotekarsocieteten. Syftet med dagen är att öka den allmänna kompetensen i […]

Modeling Tools for Inhaled Product Development

AstraZeneca Mölndal Pepparedsleden 5, PGN Conference Center, Mölndal, Sverige

Welcome to a workshop about pharmaceutical inhalation hosted in Gothenburg. This workshop, which is co-arranged between Sweden Inhalation Network, SwedIN, and the Section for drug formulation at Apotekarsocieteten (the Swedish […]

Pharmaceutical innovations at the crossroads

Kuopio, Finland , Finland

12th pan-European Science Conference on QbD & PAT - Registration is now open! The 12th EuPAT conference brings together scientists and engineers from across academia, industry, and regulatory bodies to […]

European Drug Utilization Conference 2025

Uppsala University Main Building, Uppsala

EuroDURG, the European Branch of the ISPE Special Interest Group for Drug Utilization Research, has a long tradition of arranging scientific meetings focusing on quality use of medicines. 1–4 July […]