17th Symposium on Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism

Venue address: Pepparedsleden 1, Mölndal

Preliminary program with confirmed speakers The overall aim of the symposium series is to highlight hot topics within the field of Pharmacokinetics, Drug Metabolism, Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics, ADME, and Clinical Pharmacology. The 17th symposium will focus on five key areas within this field that have seen advancement within the last few years. Session 1: Biotransformation and impact […]

Hopp på burk – Vad går att påverka med placebo?

Apotekarsocieteten Wallingatan 26 A, Stockholm, Sverige
Hybrid Hybrid Evenemang

Stockholmskretsen arrangerar en temakväll kring placebo och dess effekter. Det här vill du inte missa! Professor Karin Jensen, Karolinska institutet kommer föreläsa och diskutera med oss kring flera viktiga områden inom forskning och […]

Skaffa Biljetter Gratis – 500kr

The 2nd Nordic Conference on Computational Chemistry

Venue address: Pepparedsleden 1, Mölndal

Join us in exploring cutting-edge computational chemistry, including topics such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Structure- and Ligand-based drug design, and the Design of Nucleotides, Peptides, and Proteins. This event promises to ignite discussions and possibly new collaboration in the computational chemistry community. The meeting will be held at AstraZeneca premises in Gothenburg close […]