Modeling Tools for Inhaled Product DevelopmentInsights, Experiences, and Future Directions

Welcome to a workshop about pharmaceutical inhalation hosted in Gothenburg.
This workshop, which is co-arranged between Sweden Inhalation Network, SwedIN, and the Section for drug formulation at Apotekarsocieteten (the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society), deals with tools to model and predict the outcomes in various areas of inhaled medicines including spray drying, processing, device and biopharmaceutical modeling. An outlook into the future including the use of AI tools will be included.
Confirmed speakers
Markus Fridén, AstraZeneca
Anna Fureby, Lund University
Mani Ordoubadi, AstraZeneca
Kyrre Thalberg, Lund University
Johannes Törnell, AstraZeneca
Sabrina Valetti, Malmö University
Moderators: Göran Alderborn, Uppsala University and Kyrre Thalberg, Lund University
Time & Place
June 12 – 13, 2025
Start at 14.00 day 1, end at 12.00 day 2.
AstraZeneca Gothenburg, Pepparedsleden 1, Mölndal
This workshop will be free of charge, but registration is mandatory.
For registration, use this link: