Laddar Evenemang

The 2nd Nordic Conference on Computational Chemistry

Join us in exploring cutting-edge computational chemistry, including topics such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Structure- and Ligand-based drug design, and the Design of Nucleotides, Peptides, and Proteins.

This event promises to ignite discussions and possibly new collaboration in the computational chemistry community. The meeting will be held at AstraZeneca premises in Gothenburg close to the exiting area of the GoCo Health Innovation City.











Who should attend?

This conference will be of interest to both academic and industrial scientists working in the field of Computational Chemistry. This conference will provide plenty of networking opportunities and aim to bring computational chemists from different backgrounds together.


Call for presentations and posters

Contributions from the whole field of computational chemistry are invited for talks and posters.

Submission is closed.


Poster instructions


Registration fee

Academy 3500 SEK
Industry 4500 SEK

All prices are excl. VAT.
From February 1 an additional SEK 1000 will be added to the fee.

The registration fee includes lunch, coffee and conference dinner. Hotel accommodation is not included.

Cancellations can be made free of charge until February 17. After that date, 100% of the participation fee will be charged.

Apotekarsocieteten scholarship

There is an excellent opportunity for PhD students and  PhD degree holders to get registration fee and travel costs covered by  Apotekarsocieteten scholarship. You can apply from September 1- October 31, 2024.

Read about our scholarships


Sponsor possibilities

We offer two levels of sponsor possibilities:

Gold sponsors

25 000 SEK excl. VAT


  • 1 free registrations to the scientific program
  • Exhibition stand with space for one roll-up


  • Special thanks in the opening speech
  • Acknowledgement and website link with logo on symposium web
  • Acknowledgement in final program.

Silver sponsors

15 000 SEK excl. VAT


  • Special thanks in the opening speech
  • Acknowledgement and website link with logo on symposium web
  • Acknowledgement in final program.

For sponsor registration and additional questions email


The conference will be hosted at the AstraZeneca site in Mölndal, outside Gothenburg.


Suggested hotel  – Quality Hotel The Weaver
Address: Göteborgsvägen 91, 431 37 Mölndal.
Phone: +46 31 304 80 58

All delegates will make their own hotel reservation.

Scientific organizing committee

Jens Carlsson Uppsala University, SE
Ruth Brenk University of Bergen, NO
Ola Engkvist AstraZeneca, Chalmers, SE
Emma Evertsson AstraZeneca, SE
Simone Fulle NovoNordisk, DK
Anna-Lena Gustavsson Karolinska Institutet, SciLifeLab, SE
The Section for Medicinal Chemistry at the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society


Email your questions to

