The 8th International Symposium on Solid Oral Dosage FormsSeptember 2025

The symposium aims to explore current challenges in the field of solid oral dosage forms, with focus on both theoretical and manufacturing perspectives. It will cover a broad range of topics relevant to both industry and academia, including advancements in modeling and digital tools, innovations in manufacturing processes and excipients, sustainability practices, life cycle analysis, and the latest developments in solid oral dosage form technologies.
Confirmed speakers
Göran Alderborn, Uppsala University, SE
Staffan Berg, AstraZeneca, SE
Christel Bergström, Uppsala university, SE
Albert Mihranyan, Veltio pharma and Uppsala University, SE
George Grimsey Jones, Croda, UK
Lotte Kok, IPEC Europe and NovoNordisk, DK
Martin Lindsjö, Magle Chemoswed, SE
Iain Moore, EXCiPACT, UK
René Holm, Syddansk University, DK
Göran Frenning, Uppsala university, SE
Nicolaas Schipper, RISE, SE
Denny Mahlin, RISE, SE
Staffan Schantz, AstraZeneca SE
Gavin Reynolds, AstraZeneca, UK
Daniel Markl, University of Strathclyde, UK
Per Andersson, XSpray Pharma AB
Anne Juppo, University of Helsinki, FI
Ossi Korhonen, University of Eastern Finland, FI
Pirjo Tajarobi, AstraZeneca, SE
Guillermo Jimeno, Siemens, UK
Who should attend?
The symposium is intended for people concerned with design, production and quality assurance of solid oral dosage forms and who are interested in increasing their knowledge in this important field of the pharmaceutical sciences. The program has a scientific focus and topics of interest for the industry and researchers within the academic community will be addressed.
Call for presentations and posters
Contributions from students in the whole field of solid oral dosage forms are invited for posters! The posters will be shown throughout the symposium.
Submit your posterabstract latest by June 1, 2025. Email your abstract to
Please, register to the meeting in connection with submitting your poster abstract. If a poster abstract should be rejected, you have the right to cancel free of charge when notification of approval is given.
Registration fee
Industry 6000 SEK
Academy 4000 SEK
Students with posters 3000 SEK
From June 1 an additional SEK 1000 will be added to the fee.
The registration fee includes lunch, coffee and conference dinner.
Partnership possibilities
Platinum sponsor
Fee: SEK 60.000 + VAT
- Exhibition stand with space for one roll-up
- Lunch and coffee
- 2 free registrations
- 30 minutes for an oral presentation about your company in the programExposure
- Special thanks in the opening speech
- Logo with link to the sponsors web site on the conference web site
- Exposure of logo in the program
Gold sponsor
Fee: SEK 40.000 excl VAT
- Exhibition stand with space for one roll-up
- 2 free registrationsExposure
- Special thanks in the opening speech
- Acknowledgement and website link with logo on symposium web site
- Acknowledgement in final program
Silver sponsor
Fee: SEK 20.000 excl VAT
- Exhibition stand with space for one roll-up
- Lunch and coffee
- 1 free registrationExposure
- Special thanks in the opening speech
- Acknowledgement and website link with logo on symposium website
- Acknowledgement in final program
The conference will be hosted at Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden.
Participants are recommended to book accommodation at Elite Hotel Ideon in Lund.
For hotel reservation use this link, with a discount 15%
It is also fine to use code DISCOUNT directly on the hotels website,
You then go in and select Elite Hotel Ideon Lund, date, and enter the code in the group code.
Scientific organizing committee
Ann-Sofie Persson, Uppsala University
Göran Frenning, Uppsala University
Jurgita Kazlauske, AstraZeneca
Lourdes Contreras, AstraZeneca
Nelly Fransén, Arex Advisor
Sofia Mattsson, Umeå University
Stefan Ulvenlund, Pentahedron
Zandra Gidlöf, APL
The Drug Formulation Section of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society
The Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences – part of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society, a non-profit organisation working for the optimal development and use of medicines is responsible for project management and practical organization of the symposium.